Monday, October 29, 2012

Jam of the Week: "We Own the Night" by Jessie and the Toy Boys

Fannequins unite! To add some color to this desolate Monday, I've selected "We Own the Night" by Jessie and the Toy Boys as the Jam of the Week. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the band, it consists of lead singer Jessie Malakouti and a bunch of mannequins (the boy toys).

I first fell in love with Jessie and the Boy Toys when I stumbled upon one of their songs several years ago. Then, in June 2011, I saw them in concert when they opened up for the legendary Miss Britney Spears. As the saying goes, if Britney deems somebody worthy of opening for her on tour, you best listen to 'em!

"We Own the Night" is the perfect jam to get you through the week. With lyrics like "Hey! You ready for the rock show?/Hey! Bling bling in a limo/We boom boom like an echo/Come come come to the floor, yo," there is no shortage of Eurotrash dance floor energy here!

If the song sounds familiar to you, it's probably because it was used to advertise The CW's fall line-up a few years back.

Mannequins + Britney + CW = Perfection.


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